
Tuesday May 30, 2023
Living donors and mental health
Tuesday May 30, 2023
Tuesday May 30, 2023
Donating a kidney is one of the most selfless gifts one person can give to another. But what is that experience like for the donor before and after the transplant surgery? Today, we'll hear from Jessica Kolansky, a living kidney donor, and Alexandra Catalyst, a transplant coordinator, about the post transplant experience and what resources are available to donors after the surgery. On today’s episode we heard from:
Jessica Kolansky
In 2013, Jessica’s Dad was diagnosed with end stage renal disease. When Jessica and her brother learned of the diagnosis, both immediately volunteered to be tested for compatibility, despite Dad’s exclaiming “I didn’t raise you for spare parts!” Both were eligible donors, but Jessica pulled the big sister card and became the living donor on June 3, 2014. Jessica and her Dad are each doing well as they approach their 9th kidneyversary.Jessica initially got involved with the National Kidney Foundation while researching what to expect as a living donor and quickly signed up for the Philadelphia Kidney Walk. She received a call shortly thereafter from a member of the local NKF office and an instant bond was formed. Team Papa K has been among the top fundraisers in Philly for the last nine years. Jessica was honored to join the Board of Advisors for Eastern PA and NJ and enjoys working with the Kidney Advocacy Committee to advocate for kidney patients across the country. Jessica and her husband Daniel, also a kidney donor to his father, live in Philly with their dog Paco.
Alexandra Tatooles LCSW, ACM-SW
Lexi Tatooles is the living donor social worker at Rush University Medical Center. She is also the outpatient ambulatory care social worker for the cardiology and vascular department. She received my Master’s in Social Work at UIC Jane Addams College of Social Work in 2018 and from there started her social work career at Rush in 2019. Although she wears many hats in her current roles, she really enjoys getting to work with the various disciplines within the hospital setting and coming from a perspective of looking at patients from a holistic approach to better advocate for patients’ needs and identify barriers. When she is not at work she love to get outside and explore my Bucktown neighborhood with her fiancé and their 90lb goldendoodle named Charlie.
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